I was getting ready to write about my second painting when I found a series of photos that showed the progression of Fernz through the layers of mark making. I no longer take photos of the early stages of my paintings for obvious reasons. However, I thought it was interesting to see what I went through with that painting. I think there was a direct correlation with my level of confidence and how chaotic these are. I really didn't have a clue what I was doing save for a little sense of color and a big sense of adventure. I found that I felt really good painting despite my lack of knowing, and that was a breakthrough for me. I liked the good feelings more than I disliked feeling out of my element.

was meaning somewhere in those smears of color. I really searched, I yearned for images to work with. I was sure this was an ocean scene (see the left one directly above). I added some dolphin shapes,wave-ish lines and some nautilus swirls and lost my flow completely. The canvas sat in a corner for months. One day I picked it up added some color and found a fern. It progressed from there to Fernz and a gigantic feeling of accomplishment and a little more trust in the process of intuitive painting.
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